Does this sound familiar?

❌ Bookings are super slow

❌ Engagement on your posts is nonexistent

❌ Life has been too hectic to prioritize marketing

🤞Crossing your fingers for a decent Black Friday sale to make some extra $$$ before the holidays

You’re not alone! 💕

BUT... the last thing you want is to drop your holiday offers on an audience that isn’t excited or ready to invest.

That’s Where the Holiday Hype Challenge Comes In!

I walk you through the exact steps to warm up your audience now, so that when your Black Friday offers go live, your clients will be excited, engaged, and ready to spend.

This challenge helps you lay the foundation for your most profitable holiday season yet. 💸


5 Days of Step-by-Step Guidance:
Simple, actionable strategies to re-engage your audience on social media and email.

Social & Email Content Prompts:
Creative, engagement-boosting post ideas that make it easy to connect with your audience without overthinking.

VIP List Strategy:
Learn how to create a VIP list that builds exclusivity and drives excitement before your offers drop.

Boost Engagement:
Fun, interactive posts that will get your audience talking, liking, and sharing.

Email Re-Engagement Sequence:
Ensure your email list is warm and eager by the time you launch your holiday offers.


Why You Need This Challenge:

If you want to stop stressing about slow bookings and instead get ahead of the game, this challenge is for you.

😌 You’ll walk away with a clear plan to get your audience warmed up and ready to invest when your holiday offers drop!

Take a look inside! ⬇️

Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


Don’t wait until it’s too late to build momentum. Get started now, so when the holidays arrive, your audience is already excited and ready to book.